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Visit to Dehong (Page 2)...
Here are more pictures of our trip to Dehong. After seeing the orphanage, we were treated to a personal tour of the town by the administrator of the orphanage. It was an incredible opportunity as you can see below. What was espeically interesting was the fact that Dehong is predominently the Dai ethnic group, with strong influences from Thailand and Laos. As a result, many of the buildings, foods and the overall culture reflect that influence.

Don't Forget: Click on any picture below to view a larger version that you can download/print.

This was a town shrine built in a banyan tree

These bowls are for splashing friends on New Years

A beautiful shrine in the town square park

Smiling for a picture with the gold dragon

Another shrine at a nature area (notice the Thai style)

And a huge gold-covered temple on a hill outside town

One of the elephants guarding the shrines

A peaceful setting in the nature area

Our host treated us to a traditional Dai meal

It was SOOO good!

Daddy and Hannah got some good snuggle time

And the administrator fed Hannah and cuddled her!

Apples, seeds & some fermented fruit that was tasty

A vegetable dish made with a plant root

Politely trying some of the local drink... like Tequilla

A cute girl we played with in the airport heading home

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