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Arriving Home ...
The trip from China to home was a very long one. We first took the subway from our hotel in Guangzhou to the Consulate, then hopped on a train that took us into Hong Kong. From the train station we took a taxi to our hotel where we would get a good night sleep before the long day of traveling that would bring us back to our home in California. We boarded the plane in Hong Kong all set for our 13 hour flight to San Francisco and then proceeded to sit on the plane for the next 3 hours while they fixed an engine that was giving them trouble. We were happy that they were fixing the problem, but when it took three hours to fix it, we were ready to be off the plane before it even left the ground. Michael was a trooper on the flight and even got some sleep in while laying on Mama's lap. Our plan had been to meet most of the family in San Francisco since we had a 4 hour layover there and then fly to Fresno where Uma and our big kids would be waiting. With the delays in leaving Hong Kong, we had approximately 30 minutes in SF to go through customs, get our bags, recheck our bags, and get on our next flight. We made it and even got a few minutes to say hi to the group waiting for us. Thanks Nana, Papa, Chief/Grandpa, Uncle David, Aunt Meg and cousin Tatum for hanging around for our short layover. Michael was a bit overwhelmed by all the people and the comotion but he was happy to meet everyone.
We said our quick hello's and goodbye's and then raced off to catch our next flight. We made it with about 3 minutes to spare and even had time to change a diaper and refill Michael's bottles. Our flight from SF to Fresno was uneventful 45 minutes, thankfully. We were so excited to get off the plane and get into the terminal where Katie and Eli were waiting for us (with Uma). We made quite the entrance as Katie and Eli finally saw us and came running into our arms. It felt so wondeful to finally have all of our family together in one place. The big kids were so excited to meet their brother in person and to have Mama and Daddy home after two long weeks. Michael was working hard to take it all in as we hugged and laughed and talked. After a while, we grabbed our bags and loaded up in Uma's van. Michael was not a fan of the carseat, but it is something that he will have to get used to really fast.
It was a wonderful end to a wonderful trip. Michael is now home with his family and we are all so excited to finally be a family of five. Thank you to everyone who has followed our journey and prayed for our family through this adventure.

REMEMBER: Click on any picture below to view or download a larger version.

Meeting Nana for the first time

Getting some snuggles

Uncle David had to get some pictures

Michael meets cousin Tatum and Aunt Meg

Yep, same size, just 15 months apart in age

Chief (aka Grandpa) gets a quick snuggle, too

Nuzzling Papa


Katie and Eli waiting so patiently in the Fresno Airport

One of the cool trees they made inside the airport

Finally, all 3 kiddos together in Mama's arms
(Eli is squished between Mama and Katie)

If Katie was in love before we brought him home,
now she is completely enamored by him

Daddy got it all on video and then had to get his hugs

Daddy and Katie hugs!

Mama and her boys

Daddy with all three of his kiddos

Michael is checking his new sister out

Kisses for Michael

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