Day 26 - June 12th
Since it was Sunday, we didn't go to the orphanage or do much else today. Our only time out of the apartment was to go shopping at the Eurasia market for traditional Kazakh items and some more groceries. We also took Jen's parents with us to let them expereince this market-style store.
Everyone in our group found great suvionieers. We bought a hat for Kevin, a set of stacking Yurtas and a kids CD with Russian music for Katie. Later we went to a clothing store that had all traditional outfits. We wanted to find a traditional outfit for Katie to have once she is a little older and is asking more questions about her heritage and culture. We were hoping to find a traditional dress for her but the shop did not have much of a selection in the sizes we were wanting. We were able to find a beautiful hat that will fit her when she is 4-7 years old (see picture). If we don't find a traditional dress to match it, we will just make one when we get home, but we couldn't pass up the hat; it was too adorable! After shopping in the store and buying some items, the shopkeeper asked us if we wanted to try on some of the adult items. We happily agreed and had a great time pretending we were ancient Kazakh people in our robes and hats. It was a great experience!

A left-over picture from Astana day of fireworks out our window

Instead of Russian "nesting" dolls Kazakhstan
has its own nesting Yurtas


Sarah in a Kazakh dress and hat

Kevin wearing a Kazakh robe


The robe was actually more fitting for Jesse

Jen's dad tried on a robe worth about $1,300!

Kevin bought a traditional hat to remember our trip by

Although we didn't find a dress for Katie, we did
get her this great hat!

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