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Hannah at Home, Part II...
It's now been two months since we returned home from China with Hannah, so we thought we'd post some more pictures of hanging out at home with her. As you can see in the pictures, her hair is really getting long, she has grown a lot, and most of all, her legs are in casts due to her on-going club feet treatment (click here to read our blog post about her treatment).

Don't Forget: Click on any picture below to view a larger version that you can download/print.

Hannah's had fun with different cast colors each week

And Mama is making sure to color-coordinate

With casts, it's been hard to take baths, but we try

Hannah loves playing with bubbles, and her Uma

Look at how long her hair is getting!

Michael and hannah love playing in the mornings

Michael is always happy to show-off for the camera

(Michael) "Press it right here, Mèi mei"

(Michael) "And this is what a hooded sweatshirt does"

(Hannah) "Mama, Dìdi is trying to take my necklace!"

One of Michael's creations that he was so proud of

Mama and Hannah opening presents at a baby shower

"Look at your new hat, baby girl!"

Hannah loved playing with balloons (she's laughing here)

This month we also celebrated Great Grandma's 90th

Eli was eager to see what birthday presents she got

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