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Katie's 4th Birthday ...

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Katie and Jessie at preschool

Miss Debra puts on Katie's birthday crown

Katie got to put on 4 candles on the birthday board

Katie helps pass out cupcakes to all of her
friends at preschool.

The birthday girl with a funny smile & a big cupcake

A quick pose with her crown

Katie and Eli wait for present-time

"Wow! Presents!"

Eli checks out Katie's new microphone

Presents from Great-Grandma

Katie's first Barbie (a Cinderella with a GusGus)

She had been asking for one for a year or more

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you..."

A princess castle cake for a princess

Check out the tounge

"Yummy! Cake!"

Some more presents at Gaga and Papa's house

Soft and fuzzy clothes, the only type Katie likes

And they even have Tinker Bell on them

Katie tried them on right away (and now pretty much only takes them off when we make them get washed)

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