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Last Day in Guangzhou...
Today was our last full day in Guangzhou! We had our swearing-in ceremony at the U.S. Consulate and then tomorrow, the entry visa for Michael will be ready for pick-up! (He will officially become a U.S. citizen once we go through customs in San Francisco on Friday). Now that his visa is almost ready, our plan for tomorrow is to be packed and ready to go by 2pm so we can pick it up and then cross the street and jump on the train headed for Hong Kong!
Besides the cross-town trip to the consulate, our other exciting event today was visiting with our friends, Lisa and Yong. Kevin and Lisa grew up in church together, but haven't seen each other in 15 years, so it was a nice reunion. We also got to meet her wonderful husband, Yong and hear all about their experiences living here in Guangzhou. They are an awesome couple so we really enjoyed the time spent together, plus it was nice to see friends when you're so far from home.

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Michael was getting board at breakfast this morning...

so Sarah got out the camera and he started showing off

"Look at me, Mom!"

Saying goodbye to our coordinator, Michael

"We're done!"

Some play time with the other adopted kids at the hotel

The other kids adored Michael; especially this little girl

Lisa and Yong hanging out at the play area with us

It wasn't long before Sarah had all the kids climbing
on her; it's good training for what will happen when
we get home in a few days!

Lisa and Michael had a blast playing together!



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