Christmas Day, 2006

We had a special Christmas this year, especially since Katie is just at the point where she gets really excited about things.

The final picture of the tree, stockings & presents before bed.

Christmas morning, when Katie ran out and saw her baby
stroller, she got so excited. She instantly started pushing it
around and didn't want to touch her other presents or
stocking. It was so much fun seeing her excitement!


"Mama, don't you love my baby!"

Finally, we convinced Katie to look in her stocking.



She got a some bracelets that she thought were necklaces

Still more stocking stuffers to enjoy before the presents



One of Kevin's presents was a lego model
(You're never too old for legos!)

After Christmas at our house, we drove to Santa Cruz and
went to the Lockwood's first; there Katie found more presents



Katie got a "choo-choo" from Gaga & Papa

She was so excited that we had to include a close-up

Kevin's parents, grandparents, aunt, uncle, cousin and us

Katie gave Gaga & Papa a "hand-made" wreath banner

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