Katie's First Days at Home

The first few days at home have been wonderful! We've had so much fun exploring the house and playing with lots of new toys. We've also enjoyed the little luxuries like high chairs, strollers, and rocking chairs. Katie has also had fun meeting lots of new people as they have been dropping by to visit. It's been a busy few days, but we've thoroughly enjoyed every minute!

Bath time is even more enjoyable with all the bath toys

This was Katie's first Cherrios; she's starting to master chewing

The sippy cup is another new item that Katie's enjoyed having

One of our first visitors was our Pastor's wife and daughter

Our neighboor Erica was also anxious to meet Katie...

She will be spending lots of play time at our house with her son

David and Carolyn (the other proud new parents) possing
with Katie's Kazakh hats.

So many toys...so little time!

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