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China Adoption #2...

This page is the central spot on our site to find out information about our second adoption from China. Here you can find our adoption blog, our timeline and a link to our travel pictures. (Note: latest blog entries are at the top.)

NOTE: The latest blog posts about our daughter's adaption into our family and her medical updates are now posted in the main "Blog" section of our website. Just use the button on the left margin to get there.

"Any Given Saturday"
There is one thing that I wish every person in the world could witness just once in their lifetime… something that would change their lives and make them rethink the way that we all assess value based on a person's outward appearance or abilities, and how God accepts us. That one thing that I wish everyone could witness is the coming and going of children at the Shamian Island Medical Clinic on any given Saturday. Sarah and I have experienced this phenomenon twice now, and each time it has left us speechless...

Click here to read the entire blog post!

Today marks the "half-way through" point in our adoption of sweet Hannah and it also marks a day of break-throughs with our little girl. We went into Hannah's adoption knowing that God was calling us to step out in faith. It took faith to start another adoption this soon after bringing Michael home. It took faith to know that He could provide the resources for yet another adoption. It took faith to go into another adoption not knowing anything about our sweet little one's medical history or medical future. Much like Michael's adoption, we knew a little bit about the special needs that Hannah had, but, like Michael, we knew that there could be stuff that we didn't know about as well. We just knew that when we saw her sweet little face pop-up on our computer screen that God was calling us to trust Him and make her our daughter...

Click here to read the entire blog post!

"Why do you adopt internationally when there are orphans here in the U.S.?"
As we get ready to travel for Hannah, our fourth child adopted from overseas, we've been thinking about this question. It's one that we get asked a lot… sometimes it's in a very direct way, and other times it's just in the look we see on people's faces. Regardless of how it's asked, the first part of our answer always involves an explanation about how we know there's an equally important need for domestic adoptive families, and we think it's just as strong of a calling, but that in our own lives, we've both clearly felt God calling us to travel overseas to grow our family...

Click here to read the entire blog post!

To see pictures, you can click the "Pictures" button on the left margin & proceed to the appropriate album, or you can click one of these links.
TIMELINE (Latest entry at bottom)
Pre-Approval sent (PA)
Letter of Intent (LOI)
Dossier to China (DTC)
Dossier Log in Date (LID)
Letter of Acceptance (LOA) received
I-800 Sent
NVC Letter Approval
Article 5 Letter picked up
Leave for China
Return home!

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